Mission Statement

We are AQNET, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the rights and well-being of the Queer Network and Key Populations. Our mission is to create a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone can thrive, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. We believe in the power of civic rights harnessed for the greater social good.

Vision Statement

Our vision for the future is to foster a society where every individual, regardless of their background, can live a life free from discrimination and prejudice. We champion the rights and well-being of queer persons and marginalized communities. We aim to create an environment where everyone has the opportunity to flourish and contribute to the betterment of society. We envision a world where inclusivity and justice are the cornerstones of a more equitable future.

Core Values

  • Equality
  • inclusivity
  • Justice
  • Empowerment
  • Resilience
  • Community

Mission Statement

AQNET values the power of partnerships with like-minded NGOs. We actively collaborate with NGOs that share our commitment to advancing the rights and well-being of the Queer Network and Key Populations in Uganda. Through these collaborations, we leverage collective expertise and resources to drive impactful change.

Our collaborations are not just symbolic; they are impactful. We measure the success of our partnerships by the positive change we drive together. These collaborations extend beyond joint projects; they are a reflection of our commitment to collective efforts and achieving tangible results.

Our partnerships and collaborations are integral to our mission, allowing us to create a more inclusive and equitable society. They demonstrate our commitment to working together with others who share our vision for positive social change

Our Approach

Mobilizing Organizing, and Strengthening Networks

We actively engage in outreach efferts to identify and Connect with individuals and organizations threats share our mission. Through these efforts, we create a vast network of stakeholders, including activists, NGOs, community leaders, and allies.

Establishing and Strengthening Community Working Groups.

We initiate localized working groups within communities where they are needed most. These working groups are composed of community members who volunteer theri time and energy to address specific issues and drive change

information Hubs

Our resource centers serve as information hubs, Providing a wide range of resources, from education materials to legal information. They are designed to be accessible and welcoming, creating a safe space for individyals to seek information and assistance

Support to Champions of Chnage

We actively identify individuals who are making a significant impact in our communities. Champions of chnage can be activists, advocates, leaders, or individuals who have demostrated extraordinary dedication to our mission.

Strengthening Communities and resources

Our approach involves capacity-building programs that empower individuals and communities with the knowledge and skills they need to address their challenges effectively.


Advocating for Climate Justice

Our commitment extends beyond training; we are dedicated to collaborating with other humanitarian defenders to advocate for climate justice. Through education and collaboration, we aim to empower individuals to take action in their communities, fostering a collective effort towards addressing climate change.
